These are the London Baroudeurs Terms of Reference for 2021

Our Purpose:
The London Baroudeurs Cycling Club (LBCC) is based in London, United Kingdom. It is a cycling club with diverse membership and strives to be inclusive, fair, and fun. LBCC is affiliated with British Cycling.
The purpose of this document is to provide transparency in how the club is governed and terms of reference for its existing and new members.
The following outlines the roles and responsibilities of our members:
- Oversees all activities relating to LBCC and may delegate certain roles and responsibilities to committee members.
- Standing appointment.
- Eligible for committee vote.
- Chairs committee meetings.
- Maintains oversight of bank accounts and all financial-related matters.
- Reports to committee on regular basis, such as and when the committee meet.
- All financial approvals require majority vote by committee.
- Eligible for committee vote.
- Standing appointment.
- Treasurer may veto any financial proposal but may not vote for any personal financial proposal.
- Provides support and reports to Chairman.
- Responsible for recordkeeping and documentation of LBCC relating to committee appointments, committee matters, ride captain feedback and associated documentation, and all other affiliation records and subsequent documentation.
- Maintains certain roles and responsibilities delegated from Chairman.
- Standing appointment.
- Eligible for committee vote.
Rotating Committee Member:
- LBCC will have three rotating committee members.
- Each member is approved via majority vote by a quorum comprised of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Votes occur on an annual basis in January each year.
- Must be an active member with over two years of active membership.
- Maintain roles and responsibilities relating to memberships.
- Oversee activities undertaken by ride captains.
- May vote on all decisions proposed at committee level.
Committee process:
- The Committee is responsible for making decisions which impact LBCC. Some examples may include but are not limited to:
- Club kit
- Subs
- Membership – joiners and leavers
- Financial matters
- Insurance matters
- Incidents
- General members, Ride captains or Committee Members may make recommendations to the committee. Where a recommendation results in decision to be made which
- Any member of the committee, including members of the quorum, who make a recommendation to the committee, will be ineligible to vote.
- Votes cast by the committee may proceed by reaching a simple majority
- Voting by the committee may be provided in absentia (i.e., where the voting is not physically present)
- Voting may be held in person or virtually
- The Secretary is responsible for keeping a record of all votes and subsequent relevant documentation.
- Any exceptions to the rules are at the discretion of the committee for unforeseen circumstances, such as lockdowns. In any such instance, the committee shall put forward a decision to vote.
Committee Meetings:
- To be held on a quarterly basis.
- For the avoidance of doubt, a quarterly basis, ideally, represents once per calendar quarter. This represents a minimum of four meetings per year (i.e., a consecutive 12 months).
- Meetings to be held in person, over the phone, Zoom, Skype or any other virtual means.
Any committee member may excuse themselves from their duties and responsibilities under the following conditions:
- An excusal is determined appropriate by the committee by majority vote in favour .
- A voluntary excuse is made to the committee in writing*.
*If a voluntary excuse does not include a proposal for replacement, the committee will decide by a majority vote, on the appropriate replacement.
Ride Captains:
- Comprised of members who organise events and undertake certain activities within the club.
- Responsible for screening new members and feeding back into the committee.
- Monitor membership pathway for new joiners.
- Ineligible for committee votes.
- Appointments of ride captains may be limited to 7 persons.
- Minimum of one year club membership required.
- Recommendation of ride captains are to be made by members of the committee.
- Approval of ride captains is approved by majority vote of the committee.
The process:
- New joiners are only eligible to join Friday morning chat laps until consideration is granted by ride captains and approved by the committee.
- Consideration is made after 12 successful consecutive weeks of riding with LBCC official group rides.
- An evaluation is made by ride captains and approved by the committee.
- Membership commences from the first day a membership sub is received.
- A membership sub is the annual fee paid to LBCC.
- Upon joining LBCC, all members must have either a British Cycling (BC) license, cycling insurance cover, or both.
Club Membership:
- Payment of annual subscription fee (i.e. subs) to maintain membership
- Membership may be voluntarily terminated by the individual, or upon majority vote cast by the committee
Affiliate Membership:
- Pays reduced annual subs fee but wishes to remain affiliated with the club
- This may be due to moving away from London, change in personal circumstance, etc.
- Membership may be voluntarily terminated by the individual, or upon majority vote cast by the committee
Group Rides:
- Any ride which may be called in any designated LBCC WhatsApp chat group
- Club members will wear club kit to distinguish itself from non-members
New membership requirements:
- All new joiners must complete a minimum of three consecutive months of riding with LBCC.
- For the avoidance of doubt, a minimum of three consecutive months
means 12 consecutive weeks of riding with LBCC, a minimum of one ride per week,
starting from the first join date.
- Note, should any additional unforeseen events hinder group riding, the committee will review and reassess how this condition can be met.
- For the avoidance of doubt, join date refers to the first ride with LBCC – not a membership date.
- A record of each ride must be kept for new joiners which is the responsibility of ride captains.
- Feedback will be provided from ride captains to the committee upon request, as and when needed.
- All new members must be approved by majority by the committee.
- Any exceptions must be approved by majority vote of the committee.
- Do they ride safely?
- Do they hold their line?
- Do they show up on time?
- Are they new to cycling?
- What is their prior experience?
- Do they show up prepared?
- Do they communicate?
- Do they have fun?
- Do they get along with everyone else?
- Have they put the group in danger?
- Have they caused any incidents?
- Do they have insurance and/or BC membership?
Please send your enquiries by email to [email protected] and let us know if you would like to join us for a ride.