Cycling Name?
The Mandalorian
Why do you ride your bike?
Fitness and Freedom.
I love being outdoors and being on on bike gives ultimate freedom to go where you choose; you can also get there a lot quicker than walking. I also love the social aspect and the coffee which is an essential part of riding!
Freedom is a joy when shared
Favourite place to ride?
During the Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020 I discovered Belgrave Square in London. 60 laps equates to 20 miles and only 7ft of climbing!
Up or down mountains?
Down. I’m a daredevil.
Best moments?
Norway. For the first 6 hours it rained continuously on the 540km ride from Trondheim to Oslo. Through the cold I had lost the feeling in my hands and was using my wrists to shift. Finally, at around 5am, the sun started to break through the clouds and the rain turned to mist, rising through the valleys. I think it was at this moment I was inspired to carry on, knowing the worst of the ride was over!
“Hello!” from Norway
How long does it take you to change a flat?
It takes me ages.
Advice to a new cyclist?
Just enjoy it.
Steel, Carbon, Alu, Magnesium, or Ti?
Always keep it real
Smiles for miles Keeping it real 280 miles in 24 hours Groovy kind of guy Winelands of St Emilion Fred Whitton
Grand Tours or Classics?
I genuinely couldn’t tell you the difference. I have never really followed any sport on TV.
Gels or potatoes?
Potatoes. Although my favourite mid-ride snack is a sausage roll and a pint of milk.
Fav pro, or retired pro?
At the Red Bull Time-lapse, Alex Dowsett told me to slow down and stop helping another team. I ignored him. In my head the other team had helped me and I was happy to reciprocate. For me it’s not the winning that counts.
Flying my bike in Yorkshire
Headwind or rain?
Rain. Although I always curse it when I’m sat cleaning London sludge off the bike.
Disc or rims?
I wish I had been told that…
Manhole covers are slippery when wet
Bikepacking is the way to go
What is it like being a Baroudeur? (Not a trick question)
You never ride alone.
What advice would you give someone wanting to join the Bs?
Definitely do it!
GC prediction for 2020?
I’ve got no idea what this is so I will tell a random fact: last year in total I rode 1162km on Boris Bikes. Apparently my favourite day to ride is a Wednesday.
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