Regent’s Park and Richmond
With somebody always pushing hard out front, these rides are an excellent opportunity to improve your fitness and group riding skills. And if you’re feeling a little off the pace you can always sit out a lap. Whatever happens, you’ll be rewarded with a well earned breafast and a great start to your day.
Ben says,
“Regents Park, 6am on Thursday and Friday mornings are the perfect place to hammer round the outer circle for an hour, wheels inches from the next guy. It’s my new highlight of the working week. Met up with Disco and G this morning, both on fixed (and feeling it). The usual mix of hipsters, racers and inbetweeners, and a cracking pace. The extra hour of light together with a breath of warmth in the air (17 degrees today) plus blossom on the trees along the road make it very pleasant indeed. It’s a fixture. But gears are recommended.
20 miles clocked before going to work. Average Speed 21+mph”
Please note that times may change. For the most up to date info, please see events and click on ‘agenda’, or contact us on
Thanks and hope to see you soon!