It’s simply unavoidable, riding a bike is both a pleasure and a potential risk. At one point or another you’re going to be in an accident. Hopefully it won’t be too bad, but when you happen upon a road accident, it’s worth thinking about what to do next.
Dave, does what he does best – being cool when things get a bit hot. So when we happen upon a car crash in Esher, Dave immediately jumps into action: parks up his bike and attends to the people on the scene. Thankfully, everyone involved walks away safely, and there are no cyclists involved. However, having assessed that people had their health and wits about them, Dave escorts them all to a safer distance.
Clearly traumatised, and with the engines smoking, Alex and I assist the families away. We make contact with the emergency services, ensuring loved ones are the next people put in touch, followed by an exchange of drivers details. We also double check that engines and electrics are all switched off.
The Police suggest you do this as it is a legal obligation, and according to the AA when involved in accident it is wise for insurance purposes. Seeing as both drivers are local, it probably is the smart thing to do too.
With more local residents at hand, and with both the authorities and families on their way, we jump back onto our bikes. We too are shaken by what we’ve just seen; knowing that a simple journey can end in so many ways. Taking a moment we glance at the Baroudeur next to us. Today, it’s going to be okay, because we have each other.
What to do in a cycling accident? Here are some steps that can help you move on:
– Get clear and safe
– Contact the emergency services and loved ones
– Get full details from those involved and those willing to help
– Take pictures that will support you, both at the scene and if need be at the hospital
– Contact your insurers and cycling support groups, such as the London Cycling Campaign
– Follow it up – both medically and through your insurers/lawyers
– Ride as soon as possible and with friends for confidence
– Don’t let it stop you