Debs being very Barouderus
Bike Fitting:
This is a series of bike fit reviews from members of the club. We hope it will give sound and independent insight so you can enjoy more time on the bike. Third in this series we ask Debs of her experience of the CycleFit, London.
CycleFit, London:
Who did you choose to go with and why did you choose them?
How did the process begin?
What questions did they ask you?

Peace up – Debs and Lauren
What technology was used?
What kind of impact did this have on the your bike fit?
The video analysis allowed Phil to make fine tuning adjustments to my bike set up and cleat positioning. The saddle pressure mapping provided a clear picture of the problems I was explaining. As a woman, saddle issues can be difficult/a bit embarrassing to explain to a man, but Phil was really knowledgable and made me feel at ease.
What was the most helpful information you took away from it?
Getting expert advice can transform your riding experience. Small corrections and adjustments can make a big difference, especially if you are having problems with pain and discomfort.

Ride the world
How has your fitting affected your current setup and riding experience?
If I were going for a fit again, what advice would you give me?
Do some research before you book an appointment – does the shop/fitter you are thinking about have a good reputation for bike fitting, do they work with any teams or clubs, do they use any technology in particular that you can learn about first?
Don’t be afraid to get a bike fit, you don’t need to be riding competitively or own a fancy bike to have one.
Do it BEFORE you spend hundreds of pounds (if not more!!) on ill-fitting equipment.

:: The review is independent and the club does not have any involvement with Pearson. We’re simply looking for the best fit. You can find more on this series and other reviews here ::