Paola, Becks, and Lauren on their audacious Audax
This is a series of bike fit reviews from members of the club. We hope it will give sound and independent insight so you can enjoy more time on the bike. Second in this series we ask Becks of her experience of the Pearson store in Sheen, London.
Pearson, Sheen:
Who did you choose to go with and why did you choose them?
Pearsons Cycles in Sheen – they had been recommended to me from the cycling company I did the Alps tour with.
How did the process begin?
The technician asked questions about my cycling lifestyle – how often / how far / whether it was social / for fitness / whether I raced etc.
What questions did they ask you?
1. about my cycling lifestyle
2. About my cycling aspirations
3. Whether I had any injures / problems with my current bike

Feeling the difference at 2000m
What technology was used?
Precision bike fitting jig / CAD for bike selection.
What kind of impact did this have on the your bike fit?
Able to make minute changes that had a big impact in terms of comfort.
What was the most helpful information you took away from it?
That for me personally, a female bike rather than a unisex would be a better bet.

Leading the way with Gecko
How has your fitting affected your current setup and riding experience?
I didn’t actually find the guy doing the fit that warm / helpful when coming down to selecting a new bike (hence I still don’t have one). As a result it has had no immediate impact to my cycling to date.
If I were going for a fit again, what advice would you give me?
Have a good sense of how you feel on your current bike.
Have a view on what type of bike / accessories you are looking for.

:: The review is independent and the club does not have any involvement with Pearson. We’re simply looking for the best fit. You can find more on this series and other reviews here ::